The gateway of your future...

School Improvement consultancy

Get an objective evaluation of your school’s specific requirements, identify focus areas and access the right tools, advice, resources, and programs for improvement We offer full in-school support and consultancy to help identify the areas which require focus and prioritisation in your school or multi-academy trust. With an education team who are highly experienced as senior leaders or advisers, and who have expertise in primary, secondary, post-16 and special education, we can help you with:

Subject or theme reviews

Review the leadership and performance of a subject or an area of your school’s work to improve the quality of teaching and learning and student achievement.

Support for self-evaluation

We work alongside senior and middle leaders in your school to evaluate the accuracy of your current self-evaluation. We will test out your judgements by working with you, observing lessons and questioning key staff and students.  Specialist support We can provide training and support in a wide range of areas that include: ✓ Curriculum and assessment ✓ Teaching and learning ✓ Leadership and management ✓ Subject-specific support ✓ Lesson observation ✓ Safeguarding ✓ Behaviour and attendance ✓ Policy ✓ School improvement ✓ Support with self-evaluation ✓ Reviewing data systems ✓ Governance Senior leaders tell us that they have found the support and guidance we have provided invaluable and they praise the rigour and insight both in confirming what they believed to be good practice and in identifying areas of the school’s work which were not as well-established as they thought.